Wednesday 23 May 2012


Tigers are mammals. They are the biggest species in the cat family. Tigers reach a length of 3.3 metres and can weigh up to 300kg. Some species include the Siberian, the Indochinese, the Sumatran, the Bengal, the South China and the Malaysian. Many species of tigers are either extinct or endangered. When cubs are 2 years of age they go and hunt by themselves. A group of tigers is known as an ‘ambush’ or ‘streak’.  A tiger is a good swimmer, it can swim 6 kilometres. Tigers usually hunt independently at night. Tigers can reach speeds of 65 kilometres per hour (40mph). Tigers can easily jump over 5 metres. There are more tigers kept as pets than there is in the wild.

Monday 14 May 2012

All About Diplodocus

Diplodocus is a lizard-hipped herbivore. It is very hard to pronounce its name. This is how to pronounce it: dip-LOD-oh-kus. It is a kind of herbivore so it eats plants especially ferns. It is a heavy dinosaur. It weighs thirty tonnes. It’s also a very big dinosaur. It’s height at hips is five metres high. From head to tail it is forty-five metres long. It’s fossils are found in: Utah, Wyoming and Colorado. It’s habitat is in a tropical rainforest. It’s translation is “Double Beam.”


Snakes are reptiles. They live all over the world except in Antarctica. The could weigh up to 223 kilograms. Their length is 4cm-9m long. Snakes have a scaled body that helps it to slither along sand or along the trees. They also have two fangs and some teeth located in the mouth. Some snakes have heat pits to cool them down. They have two big, round eyes. Snakes are different sizes and shapes. They don’t have any legs for walking, they just slither. They eat rats, birds, cattle, bats, rainforest animals, humans, crocodilians and many more. Snakes are omnivores. That means they eat plants and meat. Animals that prey on snakes are humans, eagles and mongooses. Do you know snakes also live in the ocean?